Beautiful, gentle goat Your eyes are so friendly and warm You found your way to a sanctuary A sacred and free space Where you are very nourished, loved, and cared for You look so happy Your eyes beam with friendliness and curiosity An expression of your very unique personality Your fur is so soft Soft as your soft and gentle heart You regained your trust in humans Before, you were treated like a nobody Used and exploited for what people can take from you Constantly not listened to Betrayed and abused Life felt dark and you lost your trust Now you are free Forever free And I join you in prayer For a world where all your brothers and sisters will be free as well A world where we don't keep you as slaves and deprive you of your life, your family, friends, freedom, and everything A world where people don't crave the meat of your slaughtered body, your skin, or believe we need to kill you and farm you to be healthy I join you in prayer for a gentle world A world where you and your animal companions are treated with respect and live in freedom I pray with you for a caring, kind world, in which people have stopped paying for your friends’ suffering and death A world where there is peace in our hearts, peace on our plates, and where we replace violence with peace between humans and animals